Professional Development Opportunities
Administrative Consultation Services
Metro Therapy, Inc. offers the following professional development workshops to present in your district to enhance and encourage your staff to achieve success for all students. We provide the appropriate level of support to all groups within the school district including consultation support services for teachers, teaching assistants, aides, administrators and parents.
Conducting Classroom Behavior Observations, tools and techniques to use Functional Behavior Assessments/Behavior Intervention Plans—how to conduct one, all necessary components to implement and monitor an effective BIP
Presenting at CPSE/CSE Meetings
Mandated Autism Workshop – Training the Transportation Department, training all your drivers and aides on how to work with special need students
Data collection in the classroom
The Role of the Teaching Assistant in the classroom – How to best service the student and be an effective partner to the teacher
Secondary Transition Services
We also provide administrative consult services necessary to assist in daily responsibilities.